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Clint Eastwoods Cry Macho The Directors Play

Clint Eastwood's Cry Macho: The Director's Play

The Good, the Bad, and the Poultry

In his latest film, Clint Eastwood drives across Mexico with a troubled young man and they make it out of a police raid on a cockfight. The director plays a former rodeo star enlisted by his ex-boss to fetch the wealthy rancher's estranged son.

The Story

Eastwood plays Mike Milo, a former rodeo star who is hired to bring back his ex-boss's son, Rafo (Eduardo Minett), from Mexico. Rafo is living with his mother and her abusive husband, and Mike is determined to get him back to his father. Along the way, they encounter a variety of characters, including a cockfighter named Rafa (Dwight Yoakam) and his rooster, Macho. The three of them form an unlikely bond, and they learn to rely on each other as they make their way across Mexico.

The Cast

In addition to Eastwood, the film stars Eduardo Minett, Dwight Yoakam, Fernanda Urrejola, and Natalia Traven. The cast is strong, and they all give excellent performances. Eastwood is particularly good as Mike Milo, and he brings a lot of depth to the character. Minett is also good as Rafo, and he captures the character's vulnerability and resilience.

The Direction

Eastwood directs the film with a sure hand, and he creates a beautiful and atmospheric film. The cinematography is gorgeous, and the film's pacing is perfect. Eastwood also does a great job of developing the characters, and he creates a strong emotional connection between the audience and the characters.

The Verdict

Cry Macho is a must-see for fans of Clint Eastwood and for fans of good films in general. The film is well-made, and it features strong performances from the cast. Eastwood directs the film with a sure hand, and he creates a beautiful and atmospheric film. Cry Macho is a film that will stay with you long after you see it.
